What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy method proven to help individuals recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences. It differs from other methods by not requiring clients to talk in detail about the painful issues or completing homework between sessions. Instead, EMDR uses a neuroscience-based approach to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain, allowing it to resume its natural healing process.
EMDR is used to treat a variety of challenges
PTSD and other trauma and stress-related issues
Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias
Chronic Illness and medical issues
Depression and bipolar disorders
Dissociative disorders
Eating disorders
First Responders
Grief and loss
Military Issues
Performance anxiety
Personality disorders
Sexual assault
Sleep disturbance
Substance abuse and addiction
Violence and abuse
Victims Advocates
And more
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